Toxic Relationships and Violence in Communities - Meetup at 38c3

Like last year, there will be another (structured and moderated) opportunity at the 38th Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg to discuss interpersonal violence, toxic relationship patterns, their backgrounds and dynamics, and in particular how to deal with toxic relationships as communities. There will also be a range of literature on the topic on display.

It’s also a chance to ask questions about my activities at the association Traum und Verantwortung e.V. and our plans for funding programs around topics such as the abuse of codes of conducts, mediation practices, and trauma-sensitive support for conflicts in communities.

Silent participation without speaking is welcome.


  • 12:30 - in German
  • 14:30 - in English

(Thank you for participating! See you next year! Directions and location details removed after.)

Participation is free of charge. Participation in multiple slots is possible.

I am looking forward to our discussions!

Contact details and contact form

Book tip: “There are no narcissists! Only people in narcissistic distress (DE)”

Further literature references, collection of materials

“We see an initial task as creating the opportunity for the client to realize that their problem isn’t purely an individual issue. Not with the goal of having them say, ‘Oh, it’s not that bad with me,’ but so they can discover that it’s not them who are disturbed, but rather that their environment is.” (Thijs Besems, Gerry van Vugt, machine translation)